Ecology Across Borders
Ecology Across Borders
Editor(s): J. Stadler and D.M. Montesinos
European ecological societies, the British Ecological Society (BES), die Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GFÖ), and de Nederlands-Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ecologie (NecoV), together with their umbrella society of societies, the European Ecological Federation (EEF).

This border-crossing event is unique thanks to its European dimension and a first for both interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science.

Web Ecology calls all participants to submit their contribution on any topic for publication in the special conference issue “Ecology Across Borders”. Submissions in the format of a standard article, review article, or short communication on any topic are welcome. Submissions will be peer reviewed.

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08 Dec 2017
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The ecology of subindividual variability in plants: patterns, processes, and prospects
Carlos M. Herrera
Web Ecol., 17, 51–64,,, 2017
Short summary
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