Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Standard article
28 Apr 2015
Standard article |  | 28 Apr 2015

Element uptake, accumulation, and resorption in leaves of mangrove species with different mechanisms of salt regulation

E. Medina, W. Fernandez, and F. Barboza


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Short summary
Populations of Rhizophora mangle (salt-excluding) and Laguncularia racemosa (salt-secreting) in the Maracaibo strait in Venezuela showed: 1) significantly larger succulence in adult leaves of Laguncularia; 2) higher concentrations of N, K, and Mg in Rhizophora and higher P, Na, Ca, and S in Laguncularia; 3) both species resorbed C, N, P and K and accumulated S, Na, Mg, Ca, Mn, and Fe. Compared to Laguncularia, Rhizophora restricted Na and S uptake, resorbed more P, and accumulated Fe.