Articles | Volume 16, issue 1
Special issue:
Standard article
20 May 2016
Standard article |  | 20 May 2016

Analyses of floristic composition of the abandoned Cu-dump field Piesky (Staré Hory Mountains, Slovakia)

Ingrid Turisová, Peter Sabo, Tomáš Štrba, Samuel Koróny, Peter Andráš, and Pavel Širka


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Short summary
The aim of the study was to determine the species diversity, as wel as the metallophytisation, synanthropisation, invasive alien taxa and native-non apophytes proportion and naturalness of the vegetation composition for the represented sites and habitats. The correlation analysis has uncovered several significant associations between some of these indicators and climatic or edaphic variables. The knowledge of the succession stages in extreme environments may improve their management process.
Special issue