Articles | Volume 18, issue 1
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16 Mar 2018
Standard article | Highlight paper |  | 16 Mar 2018

Cumulative effects of transgenerational induction on plant palatability to generalist and specialist herbivores

Isabelle P. Neylan, Rodolfo Dirzo, and Mar Sobral

Data sets

Transgenerational induction of wild radish palatability trials results I. Neylan, M. Sobral, and R. Dirzo

Short summary
We conducted a greenhouse experiment with wild radish plants and found a multigenerational effect of herbivore induction on palatability for generalist slugs but not specialist caterpillars, and that the order of these inductions seemed to be important. These results are potentially meaningful for plant–herbivore ecology and evolution because a plant's ability to defend itself may be influenced by multiple previous generations and this may depend on the type of herbivore.