Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Special issue:
19 Dec 2014
Comment/reply |  | 19 Dec 2014

Comment on "Opinion paper: Forest management and biodiversity": the role of protected areas is greater than the sum of its number of species

M. Mikoláš, M. Svoboda, V. Pouska, R. C. Morrissey, D. C. Donato, W. S. Keeton, T. A. Nagel, V. D. Popescu, J. Müller, C. Bässler, J. Knorn, L. Rozylowicz, C. M. Enescu, V. Trotsiuk, P. Janda, H. Mrhalová, Z. Michalová, F. Krumm, and D. Kraus
Short summary
Clear-fellings to introduce heterogeneity can be an important component of a forest management plan. However, it is misleading to compare clear-fellings to protected areas dominated by old-growth forests using a simplistic measure of biodiversity and without a landscape perspective. To minimize the well-documented role of protected areas can have adverse effects on forested landscapes, primary forest remnants, and taxa that rely on forest structural elements characteristic of old-growth forests.