Articles | Volume 16, issue 1
Special issue:
Review article
09 Feb 2016
Review article |  | 09 Feb 2016

Insects and the city: what island biogeography tells us about insect conservation in urban areas

S. Fattorini

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Cited articles

Adler, F. R. and Tanner, C. J.: Urban Ecosystems, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 353 pp., 2013.
Blair, R. B.: Birds and butterflies along an urban gradient: surrogate taxa for assessing biodiversity?, Ecol. Appl., 9, 164–170, 1999.
Bolger, D. T., Suarez, A. V., Crooks, K. R., Morrison, S. A., and Case, T. J.: Arthropods in urban habitat fragments in southern California: area, age and edge effects, Ecol. Appl., 10, 1230–1248, 2000.
Croci, S., Butet, A., Georges, A., Aguejdad, R., and Clergeau, P.: Small urban woodlands as biodiversity conservation hot spot: a multi-taxon approach, Ladsc. Ecol., 23, 1171–1186, 2008.
Short summary
Habitat fragmentation caused by urbanization is considered a prominent threat to biodiversity. Urban development creates a mosaic of natural fragments which can be occupied by organisms able to survive in small spaces. These fragments are a set of habitat islands interspersed in a "sea" of built up areas. Hypotheses developed in the field of island biogeography can be used to preserve the insect communities inhabiting urban green spaces.
Special issue