Articles | Volume 24, issue 2
Standard article
04 Jul 2024
Standard article |  | 04 Jul 2024

Towards spatial predictions of disease transmission risk: classical scrapie spill-over from domestic small ruminants to wild cervids

Nuno Mouta, Leonor Orge, Joana Vicente, João Alexandre Cabral, José Aranha, João Carvalho, Rita Tinoco Torres, Jorge Pereira, Renata Carvalho, Maria Anjos Pires, and Madalena Vieira-Pinto

Model code and software

Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Modeling D. Georges

Short summary
This study investigates classical scrapie (CS) and the risk of interspecies prion transmission by using presence data from wild cervids and infected small ruminant flocks. Employing remote sensing technologies, it derives vegetative and biophysical satellite indices to represent habitat features. A species distribution model integrates these data to identify suitable areas for CS and its hosts. The resultant consensus map and overlapping suitable areas create a detailed infection risk matrix.