Articles | Volume 18, issue 2
Standard article
11 Jul 2018
Standard article |  | 11 Jul 2018

Towards the unravelling of the slug A. ater–A. rufus complex (Gastropoda Arionidae): new genetic approaches

María L. Peláez, Antonio G. Valdecasas, Daniel Martinez, and Jose L. Horreo

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The Arion ater complex comprises two morphological forms: A. rufus and A. ater, and no consensus exists about their species status. Both forms belong to different phylogenetic clades, and we have investigated the correspondence to different species. To do it, we analysed three mitochondrial genes with two different genetic approaches (one classic, one cutting-edge). Results suggested that both clades, thus forms, are different species, and shed light on the taxonomic classification of the group.